Electric Toothbrushes

The Oprah Magaize

Electric Toothbrushes

Dr. Joseph Goodman was featured in the Oprah Magazine and you can click here to see what he had to say.

Although most people know how important it is to regularly brush and floss, many do not know how crucial your toothbrush selection is. “An electric toothbrush will remove more plaque than a manual one thanks to the mechanical motion,” says Dr. Joseph Goodman, a dentist in Beverly Hills. “Also, most electric toothbrushes have a timer, which assures you brush for the proper amount of two minutes.”

Previously, consumers were limited to Sonicare or Oral B—both superior electric toothbrushes, says Dr. Brian Harris, a cosmetic dentist and founder of Smile Virtual. These days there are many options and when shopping, your primary focus should be on the seal from the American Dental Association (ADA), says Dr. Adam Harwood, an endodontist in NYC. These products have been tested to ensure they meet the criteria for safety and efficacy. However, beyond that, it’s largely a matter of preference. Sonicare isn’t necessarily better than Oral B, for example—but each brush will have subtle differences in features, like shape, UV cleaning, pressure sensors, and more. Is your head, er, spinning yet?

Dentists defer to these electric toothbrushes because they are gentle on sensitive or receding gums and give teeth the most thorough cleaning possible.

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